Time Management

One of the reasons for creating this page is we either saw agents join eXp and be overwhelmed with the amount of new technology and tasks, or agents who were considering eXp but didn’t want to change as they felt it may take away from their time selling real estate. To be clear, selling real estate is at the core of our business and should be our main focus as profitable, productive agents! This site can hopefully prioritize and streamline the tasks that are critical in the beginning versus those that can wait a couple of weeks and those that can wait a couple of months.

We all have 24 hours in a day… the way we use them determines our efficiency and ultimately our productivity. I believe nearly every person has some wasted time during the day and the most successful, productive people follow a rigid schedule, manage their time, and are in control of their daily activities.

The first step is to decide what our goals are and what needs to happen in order to accomplish these goals. For example, if your goal is to sell 4 homes per year, you can probably take it pretty easy and get by (as long as you are financially stable). If your goal is to sell 100+ homes per year yourself… you will need to have a solid schedule to maximize your schedule so you spend a majority of your time on activities related to achieving your goal.

To be continued…