
Many agents are familiar with and comfortable with the use of scripts. Some read scripts verbatim while prospecting or presenting and some use them as a guideline of what to say. Here I will compile some of the scripts and dialogues along with best practices on how to excel at Agent Attraction.

Brent Gove Script

If you haven’t seen Brent Gove live… do yourself a favor and check him out! Brent has a wealth of resources at and one of them is his “go-to” script which can be found here. And just in the event this link changes, I’ve downloaded the script and placed it below.

Brent Gove Scripts

Brent Gove teaching script training

John Tsai Script

Our good friend (and Sponsor!), John Tsai, gave us some insight on how he is eXpanding the BC market so quickly…

John message or call: ‘hi____, how’s it going?? As you know I recently joined eXp right?
Agent: Yeah how’s that going??
John: Yeah it’s been great! And I wanted to reach out to you, to see if you’d be open to a conversation about it? Really enjoyed working with you in the past, and would love an opportunity to work together on this, would I be able to send you a video and let me know what you think?
Agent: yeah I’ll take a look! I’m not really looking to switch though tbh
John: no problem at all, just an opportunity to explore is all, after watching it let’s have a chat?
Agent: Ok!
John Tsai: Send Brent Gove and 7 minute intro video.

Follow up:
John: hey _ happy Monday! Wanted to follow up, did you have a chance to watch the videos?
Agent: yeah I did, interesting concept for sure, wondering what __(whatever question they have)
John: so glad you brought it up, are you free on Friday morning at 9am for a 30 minute info session? Then Q&A after.
Agent: yeah I can!
John: great! I’ll look forward to seeing you there!
Send minimum 3 reminders before RingCentral call 9am Friday
2 days before: Hey you still good for Friday?
1 day before: send link again just in case
8am Friday: still good?
John Tsai: After this process here, they’re either:
1) interested, just not now (conditions)
2) not interested at all
3) I’m interested and have questions – this is where you set up calls with either your sponsors; myself, Cliff, Simone or Pablo etc
4) I’m ready!!!! Sign me up BRO

Gail Daly

I stumbled upon Gail’s “recruiting” videos (we don’t like to use the word recruiting) and although slower-paced, there is some good information here as well.

Looking for scripts and dialogues, best practices, and resources for Agent Attraction? Download our PDF guide to Agent Attraction below!